This blog was created for my graduate course called Creativity & Innovation. We were able to choose a "pet project" that we wanted to write about with the purpose of engaging and connecting to others. I would love to hear your comments. Thank you for "listening" to my story.

Monday, May 23, 2011


The first 24 hours in the hospital were the most important. The doctors needed to stop my labor and they needed to give me two steroid shots to help Carson's lung development. The lungs are the last to grow, so it was vital to get these two shots. Luckily, the labor stopped and I was able to get the two shots within 24 hours. Once that happened, the next 11 days were spent on the high-risk maternity floor.

You may ask, "Uggh, bedrest, weren't you so bored?"

My answer, "No, this was my first job as mommy. To stay put. Rest. Relax. Plus, the invention of Facebook kept me entertained for hours." (Seriously, it is amazing how many people are on FB during the day. At my previous employer, that was blocked, so I really wasn't on it that much.)

I really did take bed rest as my first job. I thought if I stayed positive and did what the nurses and doctors told me to do, then she would be okay. My goal was to keep her in for 11 days. I wanted her to grow as much as she could, so she would be as big as she needed to get before she made her arrival. And it worked.

But it wasn't an easy 11 days. There were definite highs and definite lows.

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