Happy birthday sweet Carson Marie!
Today, you turn one year old, and I grow more in awe of you every day. We started off on a crazy journey to get you here, and this blog, is now telling that story that I could not one year ago.
Even though I am writing this letter to you in the digital world, I also wrote one to you that you will open up when you turn 18. My plan is to have 18 letters for you by your 18th birthday. I want each letter to be a little piece of our history as mom and daughter and what that means to me.
So here's a hint of what I wrote to you (and for the digital world to see):
Today on your birthday reminds me of what your dad and I went through 365+ days ago to bring you into this world. We were scared as the doctors told us what life would be like with a preemie, but deep down I knew you would be fine - but I will admit, I did need reassurance from your dad, your Gia and Granddaddy at times.
During my stay in the hospital, I wrote out reasons why you decided to come early and one of them was because you wanted to create your own fireworks (since you were due on July 4th). And create your own fireworks you have.
You came into this world full of energy and life - even at 4 pounds and 6.5 ounces. You were curious about the world around you and that hasn't stopped as you have learned to sit up, roll over and crawl. You love exploring and taking it all in.
You are such a sweet baby and I am so proud to be your mother. We had this instant connection and we both light up when we see one another - and that is the coolest feeling in the world.
As your mom, I want to be the mom that my mom is to me. My mom is always there for me and always believed in me. My mom gave me the confidence to go for anything and to do anything. She taught me that it was important to believe in myself and to like myself.
These are the things I want to teach you. I want you to know that I will always be there for you and support you in whatever you choose to do (as long as it is safe!) I want to teach you the importance of family and being a good friend. I want to teach you to explore the world and see things beyond the city limits of Charlotte. I want you to know in your mind and heart that your parents are your biggest fan and cheerleader and we will be there for you every step of the way. This past year has been amazing with our littlest addition and we can't wait to see what the next year brings us.
I love you so much!
P.S. Followers, do you have any birthday traditions that I can "borrow"?
Happy Birthday Carson!